Trust Yourself: Conversation with Oriana Lee

In this episode we get into conversation with the one and only Oriana Lee. I first engaged with Oriana in Santa Fe, NM while doing sound production for Wise Fool New Mexico several years back. I produced a track for one of Oriana’s live rap performances and ever since then we have continued to support each other's creativity in various ways within our community. For this conversation, Oriana breaks down her love for Hiphop, what it is like to be a life coach, we also decode identity politics a bit and Oriana reminds us that the most important thing you can do in this life is to “trust yourself”.

Oriana Lee identifies as an interdisciplinary artist of African descent, currently living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Shaped heavily by Black American culture, Lee’s artistic lens is primarily rooted in Hiphop principles - peace, love, unity, and having fun. Artistic activism around human rights gently threads through Lee’s creations with traditional African culture often infused through patterns, symbols, and storytelling. Lee’s contemporary art practice includes music, literature, performance, visual arts, recycled/upcycled art, installation art, and circus arts.

At the end of our conversation we here a track that Oriana recorded with her son for her recent solo exhibition, the song is titled Success by Physique & Olee from the 1010 Freestyle EP (2021).

For more info, visit, /IG: @oriana1ee

This conversation was hosted by Ginger Dunnill of Broken Boxes Podcast