Conversation with Composer and Artist Raven Chacon

Originally from the Navajo Nation, Raven Chacon is a composer of chamber music, a performer of experimental noise music, and an installation artist. He performs regularly as a solo artist as well as with numerous ensembles in the Southwest and beyond. He is also a member of the Indigenous art collective Postcommodity, with who he recently premiered the 2-mile long land art/border intervention, Repellent Fence. 

Just one week after the election results in the United States, I had the honor to sit down with composer and artist Raven Chacon and talk about his practice. In this episode Raven speaks about the origins of his work and how he came to experience making sound. We hear about his involvement with Postcommodity, an interdisciplinary arts collective comprised of Raven Chacon, Cristóbal Martínez, and Kade L. Twist and we also hear about his work teaching youth through the Native American Composer Apprentice Project. Raven shares his varying experiences in creating chamber music and experimental noise and reflects on the ‘dues' that must be paid by artists along the way. He also addresses ideas around identity and the Indigenous artist, what the role of the artist is, and the opportunity the artist has to remain mysterious. Raven reminds us to think critically and to take time to seek the truth.

Here is the conversation with Raven Chacon:

Subscribe to Broken Boxes Podcast on iTunes HERE to stream and download this episode

This conversation was hosted by Ginger Dunnill of Broken Boxes Podcast

All music featured on this episode composed by and courtesy of the artist Raven Chacon

More about the artist:

Raven Chacon’s work explores sounds of acoustic handmade instruments overdriven through electric systems and the direct and indirect audio feedback responses from their interactions. Current and recent collaborators include Kronos Quartet, Laura Ortman, ETHEL String Quartet, Bob Bellerue, John Dieterich, OVO, William Fowler Collins, Ruby Kato Attwood, Jeremy Barnes, Chatter Ensemble, Robert Henke, and The Living Earth Show. He also runs the Sicksicksick Distro label showcasing music from the Southwest U.S..

As a educator, Chacon has served as composer-in-residence for the Native American Composer Apprentice Project (NACAP), teaching string quartet composition to hundreds of American Indian high-school students living on reservations in the Southwest U.S. Under his instruction, this project was awarded the National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award from The President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities in 2011.

He has a MFA from the California Institute of the Arts where he was a student of James Tenney, Michael Pisaro, and Wadada Leo Smith. He has served on the Music and Native American Studies faculties at the University of New Mexico and as a visiting artist in the New Media Art & Performance program at Long Island University. Chacon has presented his work in different contexts at Vancouver Art Gallery, ABC No Rio, REDCAT, Musée d’art Contemporain de Montréal, San Francisco Electronic Music Festival, Chaco Canyon, Ende Tymes Festival, 18th Biennale of Sydney, and The Kennedy Center among other traditional and non-traditional venues.

Chacon lives and works in Albuquerque, NM.

Learn more about the work of Raven Chacon on his website:

On Location: Peñasco Theater Youth Podcast Workshop

The Peñasco Theatre is a crucial community and performance space located in Northern New Mexico. Last year Broken Boxes was invited to host a podcast workshop with young people from throughout the area who participated in an annual week-long summer arts intensive. This episode is from the podcast workshop themed 'The Alternative Archive' and presents a collection of stories, poems, teen led interviews, and reflections. This podcast episode also features introduction information about the space and teen camp and self guided interviews by and between artists/educators Freyr A. Marie and India Davis who were project leaders for the intensive. Special thanks to Rebekah Tarin, Alessandra Ogren and the entire Peñasco Theatre Collective for all the important work you continue to do!

Here is the content recorded through the youth podcast workshop:

Subscribe to Broken Boxes Podcast on iTunes HERE to stream and download this episode

More about the Peñasco Theatre Collective summer arts intensive:

The Peñasco Theatre Collective hosts a week-long summer interdisciplinary arts intensive for teens.  2016 was the 3rd year of this overnight workshop comprised of 8 multi-ethnic Northern New Mexico teens ages 13 – 16.  The intent of the process oriented intensive was to provide opportunities for self-discovery, storytelling, skill building, dialogue and empowerment through visual arts, embroidery, zine making, aerial arts, body mapping, examining archetypes and podcasting. Under the guidance of Collective artivists and their collaborators, participants looked at the ways art can inspire, direct and inform movements for community empowerment and transformation. Multi-disciplinary exercises served to create community through deconstructing differences, finding commonalities, and developing tools to translate their ideas and emotions into creative action. 

More about the Peñasco Theatre Collective:

"For the past 16 years artists and performers working through the Peñasco Theatre have dedicated their time, creative energies and unique visions to community building, collective empowerment and social transformation through the arts.

The Peñasco Theatre Collective is committed to lateralized, non-hierarchical leadership centering Xicanx, Indigenous, and queer people of color.  We are committed to creating alternative systems of organizing and ways that actively fight against the capitalist white supremacist system that is at war with the planet and the people attempting to thrive in harmony with it.  We strive to be a true collective that supports and sustains the artists/activists that are part of it, and to be a resource and a refuge for the broader community.

We are humbled by and in awe of all the many powerful movements standing together to shift the narrative – despite the sacrifice, the backlash, and the  uncertainty.  Art has played a vital roll in every social movement on the planet.  Artists are the architects of that collective vision.  And youth artists in particular possess the courage to question, challenge and innovative."

Conversation with Artist Freyr A Marie

This episode of Broken Boxes Podcast features conversation with non-binary trans* multidisciplinary artist Freyr A Marie.

Here is the conversation with Freyr A Marie:

Subscribe to Broken Boxes Podcast on iTunes HERE to stream and download this episode

Music featured on this episode: SWARM Freak Band, Freyr A. Marie: Not the Moon or Sun, Whodini, YNOT & Cosmo Klein, Janelle Monae, Street Sweeper

More About The Artist:


I'm no authority:::: but making things for me is a practice of doing and being*** My critical minds lives there/^/my politics/^/mybody/^/my questions/^/my love/^/my creativity/^/myself in change/^/my ability to sooth myself--*_*--> that Xspirit that cannot be pinned down with-*_*--> that quality of resistance that is joy and peering through cracks/^//^/-*_*---> that is turmoil and violence:::::/bashback/graceback/talkback/makeback/rageback/loveback/::::::::::::::There's grace/^/grit/^/fight/^/imagination/^/preservation of::::I am not just alone/^/ my doing/^/ art/^/creativity/^/craft/^/ what ever-> the name/^/is connected to others /^/a non linear/^/ lineage of people/^/ related to me by blood or by another intersection of thinking-*_*->being-->place-*_*->displacement--->practice or identity/^/that impact my sense of these things/^/whether is shows up overtly in what i make or doesn't-*_*-> whether it is in celebration of a quality-*_*->a way of doing/a way of relating -*_*->or in resistance to/^/ or both/^/neither at once:::: it shows up::::in the code::::it is intentional/^/or free/^/or random::: i suppose theres an ethic in there::: how i understand those relationships and interpret them in my practices of doing and making-*_*--> or don’t---*_*-->Its tactile/^/ it is need/^/ is safety/^/ its risk/^/ it is technology/^/needle/^/thread/^/but mostly it is a kind of doing that helps me-*_*--> hold a space--->wake up and be in the world with others/^/ and communicate--*_*->and thats certainly not all of it/^/only so much you can say in the code/^/in the logic/^/::::::glitching out loud::::::::never enough/^/always too much:///:///:///incare/^/in/dignity//////

Collaborations with ORCHIDD. Freyr A Marie

Collaborations with ORCHIDD. Freyr A Marie

This conversation was hosted by Ginger Dunnill of Broken Boxes Podcast

Artist Cannupa Hanska Luger Talks Standing Rock, ND

Artist Cannupa Hanska Luger (Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara, Lakota) was born not 30 yards from the Missouri River in a small town known as Fort Yates, ND on the Standing Rock Reservation. For the past year, the Dakota Access Pipeline (ETP) in collaboration with the North Dakota State police force have been trampling upon the constitutional, human, and civil rights of his people.

In this episode Cannupa shares through childhood memory, what Standing Rock means to him as a place where he simply goes home to. He also shares the story behind the namesake Standing Rock and the complexity of all Indigenous story which is overlooked in our popular culture. Cannupa speaks about the organic nature of the water protector camps, the evolution of the movement and the relationship of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe to this now global movement. Cannupa also tells us about his experience as artist and water protector, participating in what ways he is able to create collaboration and empowerment for his people through artwork and actions such as the mirror shield project.

Here is the conversation with Cannupa Hanska Luger:

Subscribe to Broken Boxes Podcast on iTunes HERE to stream and download this episode

Learn more about the work Cannupa Hanska Luger and crew are doing in relationship to Standing Rock at

Image: 'Thanksgiving' day at Turtle Hill. The Boston Globe.

Image: 'Thanksgiving' day at Turtle Hill. The Boston Globe.

Conversation with Land Defender Kim Smith

Kim Smith is a Todích'íí'nii (Bitterwater clan) woman, artist, organizer, activist, water protector, and board member for Honor the Earth. In this episode Kim shares a whole system approach to sustaining Indigenous life practices and reasserting our conscious participation to living on this planet. She talks about the many layers of her work as centered from solution based community organizing, and reminds us the importance that women and youth have as voices in contemporary movements, such as Standing Rock. 

Music featured on this episode by: Nahko and Medicine for the People and Rebel Diaz

More About the Artist: 

Kim Smith is a Todích'íí'nii (Bitterwater clan) woman from St Michaels Arizona. As a woman of a water clan she holds her responsibilities to water dear and has dedicated her life to protecting water & her homelands from resource extraction. For the past 10 years her organizing efforts include art activism, raising awareness about resource extraction on the Diné Nation, water rights, food sovereignty, permaculture & indigenous empowerment in efforts to uphold many inherit responsibilities. As a young Diné woman looking at personal and political choices she makes efforts according to her cultural teachings and values; thinking and behaving in a way that is consistent to the teachings of ancestors and with the laws of nature. In an effort to restore balance to the land and community. 

Kim is also a board member for Honor the Earth & Diné Citizens Against Ruining Our Environment ( Diné CARE) two pioneer indigenous environmental organizations. Kim is also the curator for a national traveling exhibition called, "The Art of Indigenous Resistance".